HFX – Health + Fitness Experiment is my 10 week Health + Fitness Program that will provide a structured routine to follow to help you achieve you health + fitness goals. Why 10 weeks? They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, but on average it takes about 66 days to make that habit routine. This 10 weeks will focus on developing a healthy + sustainable fitness + nutrition routine. By purchasing this program, you will receive program guidelines and materials, including a digital health + fitness journal, as well as access to your daily/weekly checklists to keep you on track. You will be added to the HFX online community for accountability and receive weekly emails with workouts, recipes, book recommendations and weekly challenges. With this program, you are encouraged to find a healthy nutrition plan to follow that fits your lifestyle and is sustainable past these 10 weeks. You will also develop a fitness routine, which should be based on fitness level and assessed as you go. A good variety is important when developing your fitness routine, aiming at 45-60 minutes of activity a day with a variety of cardio, strength, HIIT, and recovery. In addition to Nutrition & Fitness, Self-Care is a focus of this program. Self-Care is so important and you are encouraged to find time daily for self-care and personal development. *Results may vary and are not guaranteed when following any health + fitness plan. Results are based on starting point and effort.*